A Day in the Life of Greg Stephenson

PM Environmental’s Principal and Vice President of LUST Trust sits down with us to provide a glimpse into his daily routine, as well as share how he got to where he is now. 


Q: Name, Title, Location

Greg Stephenson

Vice President – Principal

Cookeville – Midsouth


Q: Tell us a little about your role and what you do.

That is a closely held secret, lol.

My primary responsibility is as Principal in Charge of State LUST contracts with the States of Tennessee and Alabama as well as our major petroleum contracts. Having our midsouth offices being more spread out with fewer staff, I also act as an interdepartmental liaison aiding with staffing between service lines. That mixed with senior review, personnel development, and what I like to call “firefighting” or taking care of the hottest issues rounds out most weeks.


Q: What sort of training and education did you have to get you to where you are today?

I have a BS in Geology from Tennessee Technological University here in Cookeville


Q: What do you enjoy most about working at PM?

The first thing I think of is the people and how we come together as a team week in and week out to accomplish amazing things for our clients. Secondly, I enjoy working with our clients and listening to their needs and then working to develop a solution can be very satisfying!


Q: How would you describe your team?

A group of invested hardworking young professionals with a couple of old geologists thrown in for good measure.


Q: What would you say is the most interesting part of your job?

What makes my job the most interesting is that my previous days’ planning sessions routinely get circumvented by changing client needs. I like to think of it as a chess game. Your opponent makes a move that changes your whole approach, and then moving the pieces on the board to achieve a win/win for PM and the client.


Q: What does your morning routine look like?

The three C’s (Coffee, Contemplation, Communication)


Q: When you think of leadership, who has influenced you the most?

First and foremost, my father, but after that it would have to be Stephen Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.


Publication Details

July 22, 2022


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