PM Environmental awarded Five Year Contract with State of Tennessee
PM Environmental, Inc. recently secured its second consecutive five-year contract for services related to Leaking Underground Storage Tanks (LUST) with the State of Tennessee’s Division of Underground Storage Tanks.
“This is exciting for our team to continue to work with the State of Tennessee on this important program,” said Greg Stephenson P.G., Principal and Vice President at PM Environmental.
Active until May 2022, the contract is comprised of State and Federal funding mechanisms for abandoned Underground Storage Tank sites in three regions, including Eastern (Region 2), Mid-North (Region 4) and Mid-South (Region 3) Tennessee. The focus of the program is to protect the public and environment by preventing future petroleum underground storage tank releases and assist the State of Tennessee with remediation of existing underground petroleum and storage tank contamination.
“We look forward to another five years of a close working relationship with the folks at the TDEC Division of Underground Storage Tanks,” said Stephenson.