Our Team
The quality of our services starts with our people. Our team is comprised of engineers, architects, geologists, and former bank risk managers, among others, who have serviced clients of all sizes in both the public and private sectors.

Peter S. Bosanic, P.E.

Peter S. Bosanic, P.E.
Peter Bosanic is the Co-Founder of PM Environmental, Inc. He has over 30 years of relevant experience in environmental risk management, environmental & engineering due diligence, M&A, Brownfield redevelopment and economic development incentives, leaking UST management, remediation, environmental compliance, industrial hygiene projects and government contracts. PM regularly works with financial institutions, investors, developers, retail petroleum clients, municipalities, industries, business and government agencies and regulators.
Areas of expertise
- Environmental Due Diligence for financial institutions, investors, developers and government agencies including:
- Phase I & II Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs)
- Vapor intrusion investigations
- Baseline Environmental Assessments (BEAs)
- Due Care Plans and Continuing Obligations Evaluations
- Property Condition Assessments (PCAs)
- Leaking UST and industrial site investigations, feasibility studies and corrective action plans and remediation
- Environmental compliance audits
- Brownfield redevelopment economic development consulting including grants and other incentives
- Industrial hygiene services experience including asbestos, lead based paint and other hazardous materials
- Government environmental contract project management on projects for Department of Transportation (DOT) and other state owned of funded projects
- Multifamily (privately owned and public housing agencies) environmental and engineering services including Phase I and II ESA’s, NEPA
- Investigations, HUD environmental assessments and Project Capital Needs Assessments (PCNA’s)
Michigan State University B.S. Civil and Environmental Engineering
Michigan State University Graduate Studies Environmental Engineering
Various Continuing Education and Professional development classes
ASTM Risk Based Corrective Action Training
Zweig White Principals Academy
Professional Engineer
- State of Michigan – No. 39997
- State of Tennessee – No. 00103628
- State of Alabama – No. 29882
- State of Indiana – No. 19700514
- State of Illinois – No. 049510
- State of Ohio – No. E-59547
- State of Mississippi – No. 20006
- State of Kentucky – No. 19205
OSHA 40 hours Hazwoper and 8-hour Supervisor Training
Environmental Professional (EP) as defined in § 312.10 of 40 CFR 312
ASTM PCA Training
HUD MAP Training
Qualified UST Consultant (QC) in Michigan

Steven E. Price, CHMM

Steven E. Price, CHMM
Steven Price is a Principal and Vice President at PM Environmental, Inc. and has served clients in several states since 1987. He specializes in transactional due diligence with a focus on lending institutions, and environmental risk policy development, implementation and training.
Price has extensive experience with Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessments, (ESAs), Baseline Environmental Assessments (BEAs), and Due Care Plans. He also has extensive experience with loans involving the Small Business Association (SBA).
Price has been involved in thousands of transactions, including typical environmental due diligence for purchase and refinance transactions, and participations and foreclosures. His focus incudes serving financial clients based in the Midwest with investment interests across the country.
Areas of expertise
- Involved in the collateral and exposure analysis for over 30,000 real estate transactions, including single and multi commercial, industrial, and multi state properties
- Wrote and implemented environmental policies for several local, community and regional lending institutions with combined assets totaling over $150 billion
- Experience in real estate portfolio analysis for evaluation of environmental risk associated with single and multi property transactions for the lending industry
- Extensive experience in the management of environmental due diligence associated with foreclosed properties
- Lead environmental risk manager for several single and multi state, multi-property participation/syndication transactions; including acting as agent for banks and coordination with participating bank environmental risk managers
- Experience in extensive bank branch real estate portfolio, including environmental risk analysis/reduction relating to asbestos containing materials, lead based paint, mold, and environmental due diligence during acquisition and divestment of branch locations
- Peer/senior technical review of thousands of Phase I and Phase II ESAs
- Peer/senior technical review for numerous BEAs and due care plans in accordance with P.A. 451
- Presented the “Environmental Considerations” session at the SBA Great Lakes Lenders Conference for several years
Ferris State University B.S. Industrial and Environmental Health, Minor in Biology
Certified Hazardous Materials Manager (CHMM) No. 15069
OSHA 1910.120 Hazardous Waste Training
American Red Cross Standard First Aid and Adult CPR
Certified Asbestos Building Inspector Accreditation No. A11991
Meets the definition of Environmental Professional as defined in § 312.10 of 40 CFR 312

Greg Stephenson, P.G.

Greg Stephenson, P.G.
Lee Gregory Stephenson is a Principal and Vice President at PM Environmental, Inc. and has served clients in 11 states throughout the Southeastern United States and Alaska since 1990. Stephenson has managed portfolios of projects during his tenure including environmental due diligence, corrective action design, remediation, acquisitions, divestitures, new to industry site development, wetland banking, SPCC, NPDES, oil water separators, NEPA, FAA audits, and environmental compliance and risk initiatives.
He has successfully achieved regulatory closure of hundreds of Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) sites through the Southeastern United States and Alaska.
Areas of expertise
- Program manager for multiple major oil clients handling portfolios of sites in various stages of assessment and remediation within trust fund programs
- Hired for Expert Witness testimony for a soil and groundwater remediation site in Alabama
- Senior project manager for a refined products transporter. Aided in reviewing and cross referencing System Integrity Plan with EPA CFR’s to ensure the plan met or exceeded the Federal Regulations. Reviewed and commented on Facility Response Plans and implemented programs with client to ensure routine updates for the response programs
- Senior project manager for multiple Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) projects throughout the Southeastern United States
- Senior project manager for environmental regulatory compliance audits
- Senior project manager for numerous LUST projects including the removal and in-place closures, contaminant delineation, and remediation using Risk-Based Corrective Action (RBCA) procedures
- Developed and implemented a compliance program for oil water separators at multiple locations throughout the Southeastern United States
- Senior project manager of operations and maintenance of over 45 remedial sites throughout the Southeastern United States and Alaska
- Review of National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) groundwater and surface water discharge permit applications and routine Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs)
- Senior project manager over numerous construction projects that included hazardous material abatement, demolition, renovation, and minor construction activities
- Senior project manager over numerous methamphetamine survey, decontaminations, and post decontamination surveys
- Senior project manager over new-build program for petroleum clients
- Technical project manager for Brownfield assessment grant programs in middle Tennessee
Tennessee Technological University B.S. Major Geology, Minor Business
OSHA 1910.120 Hazardous Waste 8-hour Supervisor Training
OSHA 1910.120 Hazardous Waste Training Level B
Confined Space Entry Training
Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC) Soil Erosion Planning and Management
TDEC Storm Water Pollution Prevention Workshop
TDEC Approved Methamphetamine Contractor and Hygienist
American Red Cross Standard First Aid and CPR Training
Meets the definition of Environmental Professional as defined in § 312.10 of 40 CFR 312
Professional Geologist
State of Tennessee No. 1324
State of Alabama No. 742
State of Kentucky No. 1915
Certified Methamphetamine Hygienist
State of Tennessee No. CML-H 0305-06

J. Adam Patton, CHMM

J. Adam Patton, CHMM
Adam Patton is Vice President at PM Environmental, Inc. and has served clients in over eight states since 2001. He specializes in risk evaluation, strategy development, and implementation of multidisciplinary projects including environmental due diligence, site investigation, remediation, Brownfield redevelopment, environmental compliance, and those involving emerging contaminants. His focus includes serving commercial and industrial clients, developers, local governments, state governmental agencies, and corporations. Adam Patton previously served as PM’s National Manager of Site Investigation Services.
Areas of expertise
- Program director and senior project manager for large industrial and manufacturing plant decommissioning and site/Brownfield redevelopment projects including building hazardous material surveys, asbestos abatement and demolition, wastewater treatment operation/decommissioning, hazardous and nonhazardous waste management, soil and groundwater remediation and management, exposure control implementation, and storm and erosion control management
- Senior project manager for Phase II and Phase III Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) projects
- Implementation of various site assessment standards and professional protocol and commercial lending requirements (ASTM E1527, ASTM E1528, ASTM E1903, ASTM E2600)
- Compliance with various state storage tank, remediation, and waste management regulatory programs/requirements, including Alabama, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Tennessee, and Federal Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) and Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA) regulations
- Extensive experience with providing strategy development, project management, and field oversight/execution of construction services during Underground Storage Tank (UST) removal, soil, groundwater and waste removal, demolition, and remedial system installation activities
- Senior project manager for Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs), Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plans (SPCCs), and Pollution Incident Prevention Plans (PIPPs)
- Senior project manager for Baseline Environmental Assessment (BEA), Response Activity, Corrective Action, and Documentation of Due Care Compliance (DDCC) plans in accordance with the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, P.A. 451 of 1994, Parts 201 and 213, and Continuing Obligations Plans in accordance with ASTM E2790 and CERCLA
- Senior project manager for vapor encroachment/intrusion, indoor air assessments, and vapor mitigation implementation in accordance various state, federal (USEPA OSWER, OSHA), and industry/technical (ITRC, ASTM E2600) guidance and protocols
- Senior project manager for Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) and commercial/industrial projects, including removal and in-place closures, contaminant delineation and remediation using Risk Based Corrective Action (RBCA) procedures
- Senior project manager for Brownfield redevelopment projects in accordance with the Brownfield Redevelopment Financing Act, P.A. 381 of 1996 and various state-specific Brownfield programs
Michigan State University B.S. Environmental Studies; Specialization in Environmental Economics
Certified Hazardous Waste Materials
Manager (No. 15457)
OSHA 29 CFR 1910.120 Hazardous
Waste Training to Level B
Certified Storm Water Operator for A-1j
Construction Sites (C-08487)
Class-A Commercial Drivers License
Environmental Professional (EP) as defined in § 312.10 of 40 CFR 312
Qualified UST Consultant (QC) in Michigan
Advanced Training
ASTM Risk-Based Correction Action
Applied at Petroleum Release Sites
NGWA Principals of Groundwater Flow,
Transport, and Remediation.
USEPA Spill Prevention, Control, and
Countermeasure Training
MDEQ Sara Title III Emergency Planning
and Release Reporting
MDEQ-RRD Cleanup Criteria Training
MDEQ Petroleum Vapor Intrusion Training
Zweig White Principals Academy

John W. Hargraves, P.G.

John W. Hargraves, P.G.
John Hargraves is the National Manager of Brownfield and Economic Incentives at PM Environmental, Inc. and has served clients in over 15 states since 1989.
He specializes in Brownfield redevelopment and economic incentives, environmental due diligence, Phase II Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs), remediation, and Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) projects. Hargraves had directly managed over $30 million of municipal, state, and private contracts involving site characterization, initial remediation, remediation design, system maintenance and site monitoring involving impacts from petroleum, solvents, volatile compounds, metals, PCBs, and other materials.
Areas of expertise
- Program manager for Brownfield grants throughout the Southeastern
- United States. Funds managed in excess of $4.5 million since 2008, which leveraged $20M+ in other incentives and redevelopment investment
- Oversight of projects in state Brownfield voluntary programs throughout the Southeastern United States. Sites include landfills, textile mills, meat packing plants, car dealerships, service stations, historic sites, and a variety of manufacturing and industrial facilities
- Community involvement and public meetings in communities where brownfield projects require public notice. Includes presentations before city councils, non-profits, local residents, as well as state and federal oversight staff
- Senior Technical oversight of UST/AST releases within trust fund programs in Southeastern United States
- UST closure supervisor, site characterization, initial remediation, remediation design, remediation system maintenance and site monitoring
- Managed state department of transportation contract for right of way planning and purchase (Phase I, Phase II ESAs and remediation projects)
- State consultant for assessment and clean up of facilities in federal lust-trust funding programs
- Managed state superfund contract involving site characterization, initial remediation, remediation design, remediation system maintenance, and site monitoring involving PCE, TCE and metals
- Plume delineation for toluene release at paint formulating facilities
- Plume delineation for pesticide release
- Experience with witness testimony involving releases and petroleum and risk local receptors
- Tennessee Technological University B.S. Geology
- Professional Geologist State of Tennessee No. 4116
- Professional Geologist State of Alabama No. 701
- Registered Professional Geologist State of Georgia No. 1948
- Professional Geologist State of Florida No. 2541
- Registered Professional Geologist State of Mississippi No. 772
- Professional Geologist State of South Carolina No. 2557
- Professional Geologist State of North Carolina No. 2242
- OSHA 29 CFR 1910.120 40-hour Safety Training
- OSHA 29 CFR 1910.120 8-hour Annual Refresher Safety Training
- Meets the definition of Environmental Professional as defined in § 312.10 of 40 CFR 312

Ginny Dougherty

Ginny Dougherty
Ginny Dougherty specializes in Brownfield and economic development incentives, US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Brownfield assessment, revolving loan fund, and cleanup grants. She focuses on the identification of attainable incentive programs on a project-by-project basis to best suit both the investor and the community.
Dougherty regularly works with developers, municipalities, business, and government agencies to facilitate private investment in brownfield properties. She has served clients since 2015.
Areas of expertise
- Prepare and manage local and combined Brownfield plans, Act 381 Work Plans, develop Tax Increment Financing (TIF) tables and applications as required by applicable governing body under Michigan law
- Prepare and manage Michigan Tax Abatement Applications (i.e. PA 146, PA 210, etc.)
- Prepare and manage Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) Grant and Loan Applications and Awards
- Attend and present at meetings and completes associated correspondence with government units and clients as appropriate for the project
- Project manager and point of contact on multi-phase Environmental Due Diligence and incentive projects between multiple stakeholders
- Prepare and coordinate EPA Brownfield Grant Application in conjunction with management team members nationwide; review EPA debriefs, high-scoring proposals, and attend webinars to expand capabilities and knowledge
- Manage USEPA site assessment grants for municipal clients, prepare site eligibility documentation and coordinate with management teams on EPA Brownfield Grant fund projects
- Maintain USEPA Assessment, Cleanup and Redevelopment Exchange System (ACRES) databases
- Stewardship of designated historic structures and available Historic Preservation Tax Incentives
- Prepare and review Section 106 applications for compliance with the National Historic Preservation Act (1966), as amended
University of Michigan B.S. Architecture
Eastern Michigan University M.S. Historic Preservation
36CFR61— Architectural Historian

Amanda Stone

Amanda Stone
Amanda Stone is a Regional Manager of the Due Diligence Services at PM Environmental, Inc. and has served clients in over 13 states. She specializes in a wide variety of Environmental Due Diligence including Phase I Environmental Site Assessments, asbestos inspections and abatement project design, and indoor air quality assessments. Stone has managed projects of varying sizes ranging from single residential-type properties to large multi-story commercial/institutional facilities.
Areas of expertise
- Due Diligence Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESAs) and
- Transaction Screen projects. Project duties include data collection, site investigations, and preparation of reports
- Peer review of various type of environmental reports
- Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) assessments including discussions of issues with clients, developing and implementing sampling plans, and summarizing technical information for client understanding
- Asbestos inspections including creating sampling protocols, performing inspections, and developing thorough reports for a variety of projects including renovation and demolition
- Certified asbestos project designer responsible for producing technical
- specifications for asbestos abatement
- University of Alabama at Birmingham -Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science *Magna Cum Laude
- Samford University– Masters of Science in Environmental Management- * Summa Cum Laude
- OSHA 1910.120 40-hour Hazardous Waste Operations Training
- Qualified Credentialed Inspection (QCI) for Stormwater Management
- Certified Asbestos Inspector (Alabama and Tennessee)
- Certified Asbestos Abatement Project Designer (Alabama)
- American Red Cross First Aid/CPR/AED Certification

Jogi Panda, P.E.

Jogi Panda, P.E.
Jogi Panda is a Senior Engineer at PM Environmental, Inc. and has 25 years of experience in various roles in the environmental consulting industry. He has expertise in a wide range of environmental engineering services including remedial options evaluations, pilot testing of technologies, remedial system as well as vapor intrusion mitigation system design, operational strategy and effectiveness evaluations, groundwater flow and fate and transport modeling, hydrologic modeling and design, and storm water and SPCC compliance. Panda’s specialties also include due diligence, brownfield redevelopment, Phase II Environmental Assessment and BEA, and permitting for renewable energy development.
Areas of Expertise
- Technical resource and project manager for regulatory compliance, closure, No Further Action, remediation, and redevelopments projects subject to Michigan Part 201 and Part 213 Rules including hazardous waste and Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA) soil and groundwater management and compliance
- Evaluation and development of investigations related to the vapor intrusion pathway including continued monitoring and mitigation system design and installation in accordance with various state, federal (USEPA OSWER), and industry/technical (ITRC, ASTM) guidance and protocols
- Technical resource and project manager for groundwater flow and fate and transport, and subsurface airflow modeling for soil and groundwater remediation, groundwater recharge permitting, vapor intrusion mitigation, and well head protection projects
- Technical resource and project manager for hydrologic design projects including hydrologic modeling, retention and detention basin design
- Technical resource and project manager for storm water compliance projects under the Federal Clean Water Act including development of SWPPPs, NPDES permitting
- Technical resource and project manager for developing SPCC plans under the Federal SPCC Rule and Pollution Incident Prevention Plans under Michigan Part 5 Rules
- Project management, data collection, and evaluation for Phase II ESAs
- Preparation of BEAs in accordance with the Natural Resources and Compliance Analysis and Environmental Protection Act, P.A. 451 of 1994
- Preparation of due care reports in accordance with Michigan NREPA Section 20107a (Part201) and Part 213
- Provide technical support, resources, and estimates for the completion of Brownfield Plans and grant and loan applications
- Technical resource and project manager for environmental permitting including NPDES, air, soil erosion, storm water, and permitting for renewable energy projects pertaining to EGLE/USACE joint permitting under Michigan Rule Parts 301, 303, 31, and 91, and Federal Navigable Waters, Section 10, and Section 404 Acts
University of Minnesota
M.S. Civil Engineering
Ph.D. (c) Civil Engineering
Asian Institute of Technology
M.S. Water Resources Engineering
Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology
B.S. Engineering
- Professional Engineer — State of Michigan, No. 6201051303
- Soil Erosion & Sediment Control Plan Review and Design, Michigan, Certificate No. SE/C 02223
- Certified Storm Water Operator Industrial Site, Michigan, Certificate No. I-15882
- Certified Storm Water Operator — Construction Site, Michigan, Certificate No. C-19057
Professional Activities
- Michigan Association of Environmental Professionals
- American Society of Civil Engineers
- National Groundwater Association

Maryse Speckner

Maryse Speckner
Maryse Speckner is a Senior Project Consultant at PM Environmental, Inc. and has served clients throughout the Southeast since 1991. She specializes in Phase II Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs), remediation, Brownfield redevelopment, and environmental compliance. Speckner has managed programs that range from petroleum facilities and multi-tenant locations to major municipal revitalization projects. Her recent focus includes serving commercial/industrial clients, developers, governmental agencies, and corporation.
Areas of expertise
- Project manager for Brownfield redevelopment projects in accordance with Brownfield Redevelopment Financing Act, P.A. 381 of 1996521835927
- Experienced in preparation of Generic Quality Assurance Project Plans (GQAPP) and Site-Specific Quality Assurance Project Plans (SSQAPP) for multiple Brownfield grant projects in the southeast
- Project consultant for the State of Tennessee Brownfield Voluntary
- Cleanup Program (VCP) projects
- Project manager for vapor encroachment, intrusion, and indoor air assessments in accordance with the state of Tennessee, Federal (USEPA OSWER, OSHA), and industry /technical (ITRC, ASTM E-2600) guidance and protocols
- Project consultant for data collection, site investigation, data evaluation, and preparation of Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Projects
- Projects consultant for Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) using ASTM Standards 1527
- Project consultant for Phase II and Phase III ESA projects
- Project consultant for environmental regulatory compliance audits
- Project consultant for Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) projects, including removal and in-place closures, contaminant delineation, and remediation using Risk-Based Corrective Action (RBCA) procedures
- Preparation and review of land use based remedial action plans including design of soil and groundwater remediation systems
- Experienced with Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) regulations and corrective action activities
- Development of site-specific health and safety plans and management of employee training and medical monitoring programs
- University of Central Florida B.S. Environmental Engineering
- LEED Accredited Professional
- OSHA 29 CFR 1910.120 40-hour
- HAZWOPER Training
- Class-A Commercial Driver’s License
- Meets the definition of Environmental Professional as defined in § 312.10 of 40 CFR 312

Wesley P. Henson, P.G.

Wesley P. Henson, P.G.
Wesley Henson is a Regional Manager – LUST at PM Environmental and has served clients throughout the eastern United States since 2009. He specializes in Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) emergency response, initial abatement, investigation, delineation, and remediation, along with environmental due diligence, Phase II Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs), and NPDES/POTW permit management.
Areas of expertise
- Geologist/project manager for underground storage tank (UST) projects, including removal and in-place closures, containment delineation and remediation using Risk-Based Corrective Action (RBCA) procedures
- Geologist/project manager for Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) including data collection, data evaluation, site investigation, and preparation of Phase I and Phase II ESA reports
- Experience in implementation and completion of various site assessment standards and professional protocol and commercial lending requirements (ASTM E-1527)
- Geologist for drilling of soil borings, installation of monitoring wells, collection of soil and groundwater samples, development of monitoring wells, and conducting soil gas surveys
- Geologist/project manager for chlorinated solvent projects, including soil and groundwater monitoring, contaminant delineation, and remediation using RBCA procedures
- Experience with local, state, and federal regulatory acts
- Experience with landfill karst surveys and construction reporting
- Experience with remediation technologies such as dual phase extraction, surfactant injection/extraction, ISCO injections, PHOSter System, soil vapor extraction, soil oxidant blending
- Oversight and management of corrective action systems (CASs) for the TDEC-LUST program throughout Tennessee. Responsibilities included tank closures, source investigations, risk assessments, corrective action plan development and implementation, soil and groundwater sample collection, discharge sampling for NPDES and POTW permits, operation & maintenance of CASs, troubleshooting, and preparation and review of quarterly monitoring reports
- Experience with EPA Brownfield Grants including project management, GQAPP preparation, SSQAPP preparation, execution of approved work plans, assessment report preparation, ABCA preparation, CAP preparation, and remediation design/execution
- Auburn University B.S. Geology
- Professional Geologist State of Tennessee No. 5795
- Professional Geologist State of Alabama No. 1385
- Professional Geologist State of Mississippi No. 0955
- OSHA 29 CFR 1910.120 40-hour HAZWOPER Safety Training
- OSHA 29 CFR 1910.120 8-hour Annual Refresher
- Certified Corrective Action System Specialist State of Tennessee
- Meets the definition of Environmental Professional as defined in § 312.10 of 40 CFR 312
- ALPEC Certified UST Contractor in Alabama
- MDEQ Certified UST Contractor in Mississippi
- CETCO Liquid Boot Certified Inspector
Professional Activities
- American Institute of Professional Geologists

Suzanne Evans, P.G.

Suzanne Evans, P.G.
Suzanne Evans is a Project Manager and Professional Geologist at PM Environmental, Inc. She has twelve years of experience as a Geologist and nine years of experience as a Project Manager.
Areas of expertise
- Field geologist for drilling of soil borings, collection of soil and groundwater samples, development of monitoring wells, and aquifer testing
- Staff researcher for Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs)
- Data collection, site investigation, and preparation of Phase I and Phase II ESAs
- Experience in implementation and completion of various site assessment standard and professional protocol and commercial lending requirements (ASTM E-1527)
- Project manager for chlorinated solvent projects, including soil, soil vapor, and groundwater monitoring, contaminant delineation, remediation, and environmental covenants using Risk-Based Corrective Action (RBCA) procedures
- Project manager for Leaking Underground Storage Tanks (LUST) projects including removal and in-place closures, contaminant delineation and remediation using RBCA procedures
- Preparation of plume delineation reports, site monitoring reports, corrective action monitoring reports, and tank closure reports
- University of North Alabama B.S. Geology
- Licensed Professional Geologist State of Tennessee No. 5132
- Geologist in Training State of Alabama No. 1228G
- OSHA 29 CFR 1910.120 40-hour Safety Training
- OSHA 29 CFR 1910.120 8-hour Annual Refresher
- Successfully completed EDR Environmental Due Diligence 101 Course
- Meets the definition of Environmental Professional as defined in § 312.10 of 40 CFR 312

Kevin M. Kruszewski, P.G.

Kevin M. Kruszewski, P.G.
Kevin Kruszewski is Senior Environmental Risk Manager at PM Environmental, Inc. and has served clients in over 48 states since 1988. He specializes in Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs), Baseline Environmental Assessments (BEAs), and due care plans, Underground Storage Tank (UST) closures, and lender risk management. Kruszewski has been involved in thousands of transactions, including typical Environmental Due Diligence for purchase and refinance transactions, and participations and foreclosures.
Areas of expertise
- Real estate portfolio analysis for evaluation of environmental risk associated with single and multi property transactions for the lending industry
- Collateral and exposure analysis for over 3,000 real estate transactions, including single and multi commercial, industrial, and multi state properties
- Management of environmental due diligence associates with foreclosed properties
- Peer/senior technical review for Baseline Environmental Assessment (BEA) Projects
- Peer/senior technical review for due care analysis for BEAs in accordance with the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, P.A. 451 of 1994, Parts 201 and 213
- Peer/senior technical review of Phase I, Phase II, Phase III ESA projects
- Peer/senior technical review for Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) projects, including risk evaluation for the lending industry
- Technical review of land use based corrective action plans
- Experience with local, state, and federal regulatory acts
- Technical review of feasibility studies for the remediation of soil and groundwater
- Technical review of generic and site-specific risk assessments
- On-site management of the containment and recovery of dense non-aqueous phase liquids (DNAPLs)
- Michigan State University B.S. – Geology
- Professional Geologist
- State of Indiana
- Certified UST Professional
- State of Michigan
- OSHA 1910.120 Hazardous Waste Training
- American Red Cross Standard First Aid and Adult CPR
- Meets the definition of Environmental Professional as defined in § 312.10 of 40 CFR 312

David Pominski, P.G.

David Pominski, P.G.
Areas of Expertise
- Field Geologist for drilling of soil borings, collection of soil and groundwater samples, development of monitoring wells, and aquifer testing
- Staff Researcher for Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs)
- Data collection, site investigation, and preparation of Phase I and Phase II ESAs
- Experience in implementation and completion of various site assessment standard and professional protocol and commercial lending requirements (ASTM E-1527)
- Staff investigator for leaking underground storage tanks (LUST) projects including removal and in-place closures, contaminant delineation and remediation using Risk-Based Corrective Action (RBCA) procedures
- Preparation of plume delineation reports, site monitoring reports, corrective action monitoring reports, and tank closure reports
- Louisiana State University B.S. Geology
- Professional Geologist State of Tennessee No. 3414
- Professional Geologist State of Alabama No. 1273
- OSHA 29 CFR 1910.120 40-hour
- HAZWOPER Training
- OSHA 29 CFR 1910. 120 8-hour Annual
- Refresher Safety Training
- Meets the definition of Environmental Professional as defined in § 312.10 of 40 CFR 312