5 Things You Need to Know About Mold
Mold is a common industrial hygiene concern with a lot of misconceptions. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), mold can be found both indoors and outdoors and has the ability to survive in harsh environmental conditions. How many species of the fungi exist is unknown, but estimates range from tens of thousands to three hundred thousand or more.*
Mold becomes a problem when spores land on wet material and begin to grow. Growth can occur in as little as three days in ideal conditions. So, when should you call in the experts? Are there any health effects associated with mold exposure? What do you really need to know about mold?
Check out the infographic below for five things you need to know when it comes to mold:
When you suspect you have a mold problem, it is best to take action right away. Contracting a Mold Assessment Professional as soon as possible to inspect for signs of moisture and sample potential mold spores, could save you from an unwanted overgrowth of mold.
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