The Harrison, Royal Oak, Michigan
Located at 1210 Morse, near the heart of vibrant downtown Royal Oak, Michigan, stood a property with a lengthy history of fuel oil tank storage/distribution, coal storage, foam manufacturing, plastic injection molding, and lumber distribution and woodworking. The property was in a redevelopment target area in Royal Oak, and was one both the City and a local developer envisioned more for.
The unique space would include the reuse of two existing buildings and parking area for a new residential apartment development with high end finishes and private outdoor spaces, and an upgraded parking facility. Today, the property boasts 75 luxury residences, a roof top sundeck, and allows prospective renters to choose between 4 separate floorplans.
Activities & Results
PM Environmental, Inc. provided the environmental due diligence services including subsurface investigation activities to address the onsite and offsite Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs) identified in the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment and to document the extent and magnitude of soil and groundwater contamination on all parcels.
The property was determined to be a facility under Part 201 of P.A. 451 and a Baseline Environmental Site Assessment was submitted and processed by the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) to obtain liability protection.
Redevelopment of the property required Due Care activities such as delineation investigation, PCB remediation and Vapor Intrusion barrier installation. Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM) abatement and Lead Based Paint (LBP) safe procedures occurred prior to any renovation activities.
PM Environmental assisted in offsetting expenses by preparing a Brownfield Plan/381 Work Plan to reimburse the costs of “eligible activities” that included site assessments, asbestos and lead-based paint survey and abatement, demolition, site preparation, infrastructure improvements, legal fees and preparation of a Brownfield Plan.
Over $12 million was invested into the site, with PM securing $3,500 in EPA Grant Funds, and the Brownfield plan reimbursing over $1.6 million for environmental site assessments, due care and remediation activities.