Phase I Environmental Site Assessment in Yazoo City, Mississippi
Having records dating back to 1949, PM Environmental conducted a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) on a two-parcel property in Yazoo City, Mississippi. The property was developed with dwellings prior to 1949 and was home to several buildings, ASTs, and a bulk oil plant.
Between 1969 and 2004, various structures were constructed and demolished while the eastern portion of the property was used for a bulk oil plant and had four aboveground storage tanks (ASTs). The plant and ASTs were in the eastern cleared area of the property from 1969 t 1974 before being removed in 2014. There now stands a portable building that was installed in 2018.
During the site reconnaissance, PM observed a containment area in the eastern portion formerly containing the ASTs with possible underground pipe. A loading rack and concrete pad were noted west of the containment and used for filling trucks. With this observation, the potential exists for a release to have occurred associated with the ASTs. The underground piping and filling operations may be a source of subsurface contamination.
The two parcels that currently stand on the property are unused and have no immediate plans for development. PM Environmental is slated to do a Phase II ESA pending Site-Specific Quality Assurance Project Plan (SSQAPP) approval from the EPA and MDEQ.