
Baseline Environmental Assessments (BEAs) – A Practical Guide

Baseline Environmental Assessments (BEAs) are critical tools for individuals and businesses considering the acquisition of property known or suspected to be contaminated. Under the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act (NREPA) of 1994, BEAs provide a pathway for new owners or operators to avoid liability for pre-existing environmental contaminations. This guide will explain the concept,…

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Empowering Communities: A Guide to EPA’s Brownfields Assessment Grants

Brownfields Grants, administered by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), are intended to empower communities to reclaim and revitalize sites that are hindered by contamination, or have the perception of contamination, and play a pivotal role in community rejuvenation. Assessment Grants serve as a crucial financial resource to support a wide array of activities focused on…

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A Day in the Life of Steve Price

PM Environmental’s Principal and Vice President sits down with us to provide a glimpse into his role, as well as share some advice for ethical behavior. Q: Name, Title, Location:  Steve Price, Principal and Vice President, Lansing, Michigan. Q: Tell us a little about your role and what you do. My role is pretty unique…

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Phase 1 vs. Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessments

Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) are crucial for anyone involved in acquiring, financing, or refinancing commercial properties. Understanding the nuances of Phase I and Phase II ESAs is imperative for lenders, buyers, and potential property owners to make informed decisions and mitigate risks associated with environmental contamination. Key Takeaways Phase I ESAs are a preliminary, non-intrusive…

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Funding Vapor Intrusion Mitigation: A Midwest Overview

Vapor intrusion (VI) mitigation is an integral aspect of brownfield redevelopment that is common to property owners, developers, and responsible parties alike. Mitigating VI can be challenging due to evolving regulations and costs associated with investigation, mitigation, and ongoing VI compliance activities. So how does one offset those costs or seek funding for those activities?…

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A Day in the Life of Steve Price

PM Environmental’s Principal and Vice President sits down with us to provide a glimpse into his role, as well as share some advice for ethical behavior. Q: Name, Title, Location Steve Price, Principal and Vice President, Lansing, Michigan Q: Tell us a little about your role and what you do.  My role is pretty unique…

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A Day in the Life of Nick Lieder

PM Environmental’s Regional Manager of Site Investigation Services sits down with us to provide a glimpse into his role, as well as share some of his hobbies. Q: Name, Title, Location Nick Lieder, Regional Manager of Site Investigation Services, Berkley, MI Q: Tell us a little about your role and what you do.  The primary…

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A Day in the Life of Jogesh Panda

PM Environmental’s Senior Engineer of Site Investigation Services sits down with us to share about his role, as well as some of his thoughts on leadership. Q: Name, Title, Location  Jogi Panda, Senior Engineer, Berkley Q: Tell us a little about your role and what you do.  Write engineering proposals and provide solutions to client’s…

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A Day in the Life of Jon Balsamo

PM Environmental’s National Manager of Industrial Hygiene Services sits down with us to provide a glimpse into his perspective on the industry, as well as share how to be a good leader. Q: Name, Title, Location: Jon M. Balsamo: National Manager, Industrial Hygiene Services, Berkley, Michigan Q: Tell us a little about your role and…

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PFAS: Friend or Foe?

You may have heard of PFAS. The term is used in many industries, for many applications. You may even be in contact with PFAS right now without realizing it. The connotations are almost always negative, and for a very good reason. But what exactly are PFAS? Where are they found, and what can we do…

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